When God Calls with Michael McCaskill
A show about listening for God's calling and acting on his direction.
When God Calls with Michael McCaskill
Ephesians Study Chapter 5 - Christian Households
Season 3
Episode 8
Imitators of God!
- Walk in love
- God’s Child
- God’s beloved child
- Purchased with a great price
- Walk as children of light
- We are set apart
- We are light
- Walk in wisdom
- Walk with purpose
- Use your time wisely (life is short)
- Days are evil (Freedom to win the lost could be taken away)
- God has a plan for us, a will for our lives. He gave us a mind (a choice) and we must use the Bible, prayer, meditation and worship to figure it out.
- The closer we become to God the more clear his will in our lives becomes.
- Being imitators of God starts at home
- Husbands (men) love your wives as Christ loved the church
- Give yourself up for her
- Do what you can to ensure her salvation
- Lover her as you love yourself
- Husbands (men) love your wives as Christ loved the church
- Wives submit to your husbands
- The example is how the church submits to Christ (the Savior)